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Statistics on social protection


Universal social protection is essential for realizing the human right to social security for all, advancing social justice and promoting inclusive growth, and accelerating progress towards achieving the globally agreed 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Data catalogue

IndicatorFrequencyDatabaseSubjectDownload (with labels)Download (with codes)Data explorer
SDG indicator 1.3.1 - Proportion of population covered by social protection floors/systems (%)AnnualSDG Labour Market Indicators (ILOSDG)Social protection.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz

Data dashboards

Social Protection Data Dashboards

The World Social Protection Data Dashboards provide in-depth country-level statistics on various dimensions of social protection systems, including key indicators of great interest to national policy-makers, officials of international organizations and researchers, including for the monitoring of the SDGs.


Decent Work and the Sustainable Development Goals: A Guidebook on SDG Labour Market Indicators

This Guidebook provides a detailed overview of the labour market indicators included in the Sustainable Development Goals Global Indicator Framework. It is intended to serve as a manual of best practices for calculating and interpreting the SDG labour market indicators, with a view to monitoring progress made at the national and international levels towards the achievement of the SDGs.


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