Table of Contents
Related pages
- About
- Data
- Statistical standards and methods
- Concepts and definitions
- ILO Monitor on the World of Work (ILOMONITOR database)
- Worker and sector profiles (PROFILES database)
- Prices, Costs and Currency Conversions (PRICES database)
- Labour Market-Related SDG Indicators (ILOSDG database)
- Labour Force Statistics (LFS, STLFS, RURBAN databases)
- ILO Modelled Estimates (ILOEST database)
- Work Statistics – 19th ICLS (WORK database)
- Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND database)
- Youth Labour Market Statistics (YouthSTATS database)
- Disability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI database)
- Forms of work: An overview of the new statistical standards
- Wages and Working Time Statistics (COND database)
- Education and Mismatch Indicators (EMI database)
- Industrial Relations Data (IRdata)
- Occupational Safety and Health Statistics (OSH database)
- Child Labour Statistics (CHILD database)
- International Labour Migration Statistics (ILMS database)
- International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO)
- Country, territory and area groupings
- International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC)
- International Classifications of Status in Employment and Status at Work (ICSE and ICSaW)
- International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED)
- Concepts and definitions
- Topics
- Statistics on the informal economy
- Labour statistics for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- Statistics on child labour
- Statistics on unpaid work
- Statistics on volunteer work
- Statistics on labour productivity
- Statistics on the population and labour force
- Statistics on unemployment and labour underutilization
- Statistics on employment
- Statistics on labour costs
- Statistics on consumer prices
- Statistics on working poverty
- Statistics on labour income and inequality
- Statistics on social protection
- Statistics on social dialogue
- Statistics on wages
- Statistics on working time
- Statistics on safety and health at work
- Statistics on migrant workers
- Statistics on youth
- Statistics on women
- COVID-19
- Resources
- Labour force survey (LFS) questionnaire toolkit
- Communication of Statistics
- Capacity building and technical assistance
- Population Census resources
- Administrative data sources for labour statistics
- Reporting labour statistics to the ILO
- Labour market information systems (LMIS)
- SDMX tools
- Analytical publications
- Calendar
- Blog
- Data acquisition for labour statistics
- Mesurer l’inadéquation des compétences (en Français)
- Labour Market Information Systems (LMIS)
- STATA for Labour Market Analysis
- Labour Force Survey Design
- Measuring migrant recruitment costs for SDG indicator 10.7.1
- Data collection and research on child labour and forced labour
- Labour statistics: From standards to data
Publications (PDF)
- World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2025
- Promoting the use of administrative data sources for international labour migration statistics in Türkiye
- Quick guide on the communication of results after implementation of latest standards on statistics of work, employment, and labour underutilization
- ILO global estimates on international migrants in the labour force
- Survey Questions for Collecting Data on Work Relationships and Informality
- Questionnaire for Self-Assessment of the Quality of Administrative Records (SAQUAR)
- User Guide for the Questionnaire for Self-Assessment of the Quality of Administrative Records (SAQUAR)
- Global Wage Report 2024-25: Is wage inequality decreasing globally?
- Communicating new labour statistics standards implementation
- The impact of care responsibilities on women’s labour force participation
- High-level independent evaluation of the ILO strategies and approaches for the development and use of labour statistics, 2018-23
- ILOSTAT Microdata Processing Quick Guide: Principles and methods underlying the ILO’s processing of anonymized household survey microdata
- The LFS light time-use module
- Unpaid Domestic and Care Work: The Gender Bias
- The Reality of Informality
- Giving Visibility to the Invisible: Measuring informality
- Measurement in motion – Tracking new trends and setting new standards in the world of work
- Setting new standards – The process of international standard setting for labour statistics
- Implementing the 19th ICLS resolution – How?
- Implementing the 19th ICLS resolution – Why?
- Promoting the use of administrative data sources for international labour migration statistics in Korea
- Measuring international labour migration in the Republic of Korea
- World Social Protection Report 2024-26: Universal social protection for climate action and a just transition
- Strengthening labour statistics: Quick guide to C160 ratification and data reporting
- World Employment and Social Outlook: September 2024 Update
- Note on the implementation of statistical standards from the 19th, 20th and 21st ICLS through household surveys
- Hard to see, harder to count: Handbook on forced labour surveys
- The jobs gap: Measuring labour underutilisation beyond unemployment
- Statistical Methodology Series 11 – Identification of informality through labour force surveys
- Statistical Methodology Series 10 – Identification of ICSE-18 through labour force surveys
- Statistical Methodology Series 9 – Engendering informality project
- LMIS Brief Description and ILO Toolkit
- Own-use provision of services: Measurement guide
- Resolution concerning statistics on the informal economy
- The International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-08) companion guide
- International Classification of Status in Employment (ICSE-18) manual
- New data shine light on gender gaps in the labour market
- ILO modelled estimates methodological overview
- Contribution of the forest sector to total employment in national economies – Estimating the number of people employed in the forest sector
- Engendering informality statistics: gaps and opportunities
- Global Wage Report 2022-23: The impact of inflation and COVID-19 on wages and purchasing power
- Measuring Cooperatives – An information guide on the ILO Guidelines concerning Statistics of Cooperatives
- Methodology of the 2020 ILO-UNICEF Global Estimates of Child Labour
- Quick guide to understanding the impact of the new statistical standards on ILOSTAT databases
- Global Employment Trends for Youth 2022: Investing in transforming futures for young people
- Social Dialogue Report 2022: Collective bargaining for an inclusive, sustainable and resilient recovery
- Measuring labour migration in ASEAN: Analysis from the ILO’s International Labour Migration Statistics (ILMS) Database
- Global review of impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on labour force surveys and dissemination of labour market statistics
- Measuring volunteer work self-learning course
- Measuring Women and Men’s Work: Main Findings from a Joint ILO and World Bank Study in Sri Lanka
- Measuring Women and Men’s Work: Summary of Main Findings and Recommendations from a Joint ILO and World Bank Study in Sri Lanka
- Building Forward Fairer: Women’s rights to work and at work at the core of the COVID-19 recovery
- Child Labour: Global estimates 2020, trends and the road forward
- Volunteer work measurement guide
- Strengthening gender measures and data in the COVID-19 era: An urgent need for change
- How COVID-19 is changing the world: a statistical perspective, Volume III
- Consumer Price Index Manual: Concepts and Methods | 2020
- Report on Labour Migration Statistics in Africa (Third Edition, 2019)
- Statistics on Cooperatives: Concepts, classification, work and economic contribution measurement
- Making Women’s Work Visible: The 19th ICLS Standards, Purpose and Progress
- Volunteer work and its links to the labour market experiences of young people
- Quick Guide on sources and uses of statistics on occupational safety and health
- Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic: Gender relevance of the 19th ICLS statistical standards
- Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic: Closing gender data gaps in the world of work – role of the 19th ICLS standards
- Rural and urban labour markets: Different challenges for promoting decent work
- How COVID-19 is changing the world: a statistical perspective, Volume II
- Spotlight on SDG 8: The impact of marriage and children on labour market participation
- Defining and measuring remote work, telework, work at home and home-based work
- Conceptual framework for statistics on work relationships
- Capturing impacts on employment and unpaid work using Rapid Surveys
- COVID-19 impact on labour market statistics
- How COVID-19 is changing the world: a statistical perspective
- Guidance to data producers to maintain labour force survey data collection
- COVID-19 Guidance for labour statistics data collection: Consumer Price Indexes
- Essential labour force survey content and treatment of special groups
- Guidebook on how and why to collect and use data on industrial relations
- Education pays off, but you have to be patient
- Sources and Methods Volume 9: International labour migration (2020)
- ILO Model question on volunteer work for Population and Housing Censuses
- ILO model questions on economic characteristics for population censuses
- Quick Guide on Measuring Economic Characteristics in the Population Census
- From school to work: An analysis of youth labour market transitions
- Persons outside the labour force: How inactive are they really?
- Time to Act for SDG 8 : Integrating Decent Work, Sustained Growth and Environmental Integrity
- The global labour income share and distribution: Key findings
- The Global Labour Income Share and Distribution: Methodological Description
- The working poor… or how a job is no guarantee of decent living conditions
- Guide to reporting labour statistics to the ILO using the Excel questionnaire
- Quick guide on interpreting the unemployment rate
- Labour market access – a persistent challenge for youth around the world
- Data collection guidelines for ICSE-18
- Quick guide on sources and uses of collective bargaining statistics
- Resolution concerning statistics on work relationships
- Resolution concerning statistics of child labour (including amendments)
- Resolution concerning the methodology of the SDG indicator 8.8.2 on labour rights (including amendments)
- Guidelines concerning statistics of international labour migration
- Guidelines concerning statistics of cooperatives
- Guidelines concerning measurement of qualifications and skills mismatches of persons in employment
- Resolution concerning the methodology of the SDG indicator 8.b.1 on youth employment
- Decent Work and the Sustainable Development Goals: A Guidebook on SDG Labour Market Indicators
- International labour migration statistics in South Asia: Establishing a subregional database and improving data collection for evidence-based policy-making
- Measuring women’s paid and unpaid work under ICLS 19
- Avoiding unemployment is not enough
- Exploring Light Time-Use approaches for measuring productive activities
- Measuring employment in labour force surveys: Main findings from the ILO LFS pilot studies
- Measuring working time and time-related underemployment in labour force surveys: Main findings from the ILO LFS pilot studies
- Measuring main activity in labour force surveys: Main findings from the ILO LFS pilot studies
- Guidelines concerning the measurement of forced labour
- National practices in measuring volunteer work: A critical review
- Care work and care jobs for the future of decent work
- Visualizing labour markets: A quick guide to charting labour statistics
- Paid employment vs vulnerable employment
- Where are the jobs?
- Measuring unemployment and the potential labour force in labour force surveys: Main findings from the ILO LFS pilot studies
- ILO LFS pilot studies experimental field tests: Methodology, process and outcomes
- ILO LFS pilot studies cognitive interviewing tests: Methodology, process and outcomes
- ILO LFS pilot studies in follow up to the 19th ICLS: Background, objectives and methodology
- What about seniors?
- Quick guide on sources and uses of labour statistics
- Trends in collective bargaining coverage: Stability, erosion or decline?
- Conceptual Framework for the Purpose of Measurement of Cooperatives and its Operationalization
- Can we measure the school-to-work transition of young persons with labour force surveys? A feasibility study
- Key Labor Market Indicators: Analysis with Household Survey Data
- Guide on the Harmonization of Labour Inspection Statistics
- Sources and Methods Volume 10: Disability statistics (2015)
- Measuring Employment in the Tourism Industries: Guide with Best Practices
- Consumer Price Index Manual. Theory and Practice.
- Sampling elusive populations: Applications to studies of child labour
- Measuring informality: A statistical manual on the informal sector and informal employment
- Decent Work Indicators – Guidelines for producers and users of statistical and legal framework indicators
- Guidelines concerning a statistical definition of employment in the environmental sector
- Resolution concerning statistics of work, employment and labour underutilization (including amendments)
- Employment and economic class in the developing world
- Handbook on Residential Property Prices Indices (RPPIs). 2013 edition
- Social Dialogue Indicators Comparative Note: Collecting information through Labour Force Surveys
- Sources and Methods Volume 1: Consumer price indices (2013)
- International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-08), Volume 1: Structure, group definitions and correspondence tables
- Occupational injuries statistics from household surveys and establishment surveys: ILO manual on methods
- Measuring the Economically Active in Population Censuses: A Handbook
- Sources and Methods Volume 2: Establishment surveys (2012) – Employment, wages, hours of work and labour cost
- Practical Guide to Producing Consumer Price Indices
- Sources and Methods Volume 3B: Labour force surveys (2011) – Source of statistics of the labour force and its components
- Resolution concerning the measurement of working time
- Sampling for household-based surveys of child labour
- The employment situation of people with disabilities: Towards improved statistical information
- United Nations Guide to Producing Statistics on Time-Use: Measuring Paid and Unpaid Work
- Sources and Methods Volume 5: Population censuses (2004) – Total and economically active population, employment and unemployment
- Sources and Methods Volume 4: Administrative records and related sources (2004) – Employment, unemployment, wages and hours of work
- Sources and Methods Volume 3A: Household surveys (2004) – Economically active population, employment, unemployment and hours of work
- Resolution concerning consumer price indices
- Guidelines concerning a statistical definition of informal employment
- Resolution concerning household income and expenditure statistics (including amendments)
- Resolution concerning further work on the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO)
- Decent work statistical indicators: strikes and lockouts statistics in the international context
- Sources and Methods Volume 6: Household income and expenditure statistics (2003)
- Measuring the non-observed economy. A handbook
- Sources and Methods Volume 8: Occupational injuries (1999)
- Sources and Methods Volume 7: Strikes and lockouts (1999)
- Resolution concerning the measurement of underemployment and inadequate employment situations
- Resolution concerning the measurement of employment-related income (including amendments)
- Resolution concerning statistics of occupational injuries (resulting from occupational accidents)
- Resolution concerning statistics of labour cost
- Resolution concerning statistics of strikes, lockouts and other action due to labour disputes
- Resolution concerning statistics of employment in the informal sector
- Resolution concerning the International Classification of Status in Employment (ICSE)
- Resolution concerning statistics of the economically active population, employment, unemployment and underemployment
- Resolution concerning an integrated system of wages statistics
- Resolution concerning statistics of collective agreements
- Constant turbulence: employment in civil aviation
- Tackling work-related violence and harassment: What data from three pilot surveys in West Africa reveal
- How labour data can help us advance sustainable development
- How the latest statistical standards improve knowledge about rural women’s work
- The plight of older workers in labour underutilization
- Tracking the rebound in tourism employment
- Beneath the surface: analyzing the maritime workforce
- Elevate your labour statistics: Why Convention No. 160 is a must-ratify
- Beyond the bin: Decent work deficits in the waste management and recycling industry
- The true value of a paycheck: Understanding PPP-adjusted income statistics
- How population trends shape our workforce
- Advancing the measurement of care work and the care economy: a global consultation for new statistical standards
- Who powers the public sector?
- Current practices in measuring sexual orientation and gender identity in population censuses
- Women with young children have much lower labour force participation rates
- Safety in numbers: what labour inspection data tells us
- Charting progress on the global goals and decent work
- Women are more likely than men to want a job but not have one
- Making labour statistics work for women: recent developments and the way ahead
- Behind the mic: exploring employment patterns in radio broadcasting
- Insights into youth participation in work-based learning
- The unseen workforce behind wastewater management
- Where women work: female-dominated occupations and sectors
- New standards, increased visibility: improving measurement of the informal economy
- From tradition to transformation: employment trends in postal and courier services
- Quality education for all? We need (more) teachers!
- How data can bolster decent work in the tourism sector
- Equal pay for work of equal value: where do we stand in 2023?
- African youth face pressing challenges in the transition from school to work
- Youth skills: tackling challenges and seizing opportunities for a brighter future of work
- Micro and small enterprises: engines of job creation
- Nurses and midwives: overworked, underpaid, undervalued?
- Beyond the numbers: exploring the relationship between collective bargaining coverage and inequality
- ILO data highlights need for disability disaggregated labour force surveys and investment in data systems
- Assessing the current state of the global labour market: implications for achieving the Global Goals
- Forest sector employs 33 million around the world, according to new global estimates
- New ILO database updates work-related indicators to meet latest standards
- Breaking the bias for better gender data
- New ILO database highlights labour market challenges of persons with disabilities
- Inflation more than doubled between March 2021 and March 2022
- COVID-19 and the Sustainable Development Goals: reversing progress towards decent work for all
- Over 2 million moms left the labour force in 2020 according to new global estimates
- Why would labour productivity surge during a pandemic?
- What to know when comparing data on women and men’s work
- Keeping labour data flowing during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Only half of workers worldwide hold jobs corresponding to their level of education
- How women are being left behind in the quest for decent work for all
- How to strengthen gender measures and data in the COVID-19 era
- Avoid these 5 rookie mistakes when using ILO databases
- Who are the women on the move? A portrait of female migrant workers
- COVID-19 is driving up food prices all over the world
- Interest in volunteering reached new heights in March and April 2020
- International Day of Persons with Disabilities: how disability affects labour market outcomes
- Fallout of COVID-19: working moms are being squeezed out of the labour force
- Lessons from the pandemic: building better gender data for the future
- International Day of Rural Women: the unfinished quest for decent work for all
- Millions of hours spent daily on unpaid work: evidence from Asia and the Pacific
- Education pays off, but you have to be patient
- International Day of Families: how marital status shapes labour market outcomes
- COVID-19 and the new meaning of safety and health at work
- Will COVID-19 impair the availability and quality of labour statistics?
- COVID-19: are there enough health workers?
- “I am Generation Equality”: ideals versus reality in Asia and the Pacific’s labour markets
- These occupations are dominated by women
- Having kids sets back women’s labour force participation more so than getting married
- 258 million workers in the world are over-educated for their jobs
- Can we achieve decent work for all by 2030?
- How many women work in STEM?
- Measuring job quality: difficult but necessary
- Transition from school to work remains a difficult process for youth
- Gender equality in the workplace remains elusive
- Are migrants also successful in the labour market?
- 100 statistics on the ILO and the labour market to celebrate the ILO centenary
- Inclusion and diversity in the labour market: a call for LGBT labour statistics
- Counting the volunteers the world counts on
- How do people with disabilities fare in the labour market?
- Africa’s employment landscape
- Men are dropping out of the workforce – here’s where the numbers are highest
- Tech’s persistent gender gap
- At least 44’000 work stoppages since 2010
- Work and employment are not synonyms
- Decent work and the SDGs: 11 charts that tell the story
- Young people are far more likely to be in working poverty
- Not in employment, education or training: the reality for many young rural women
- These are the countries with the most teachers
- Older workers are most discouraged in these countries
- Persons outside the labour force: how inactive are they really?
- The declining labour income share
- The working poor – or how a job is no guarantee of decent living conditions
- Labour market access – a persistent challenge for youth around the world
- Avoiding unemployment is not enough
- Paid employment vs vulnerable employment
- What about seniors?
- Where are the jobs?