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Statistical standards and methods

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International labour statistics standards play a pivotal role in the measurement of work and the labour force, providing a solid common framework to understand the world of work and enable governments to shape responsive policies. Indeed, in the last decade standards have evolved to keep up with changes in the world of work. New standards have been adopted to ensure the sound measurement of both paid and unpaid work, fast-evolving work relationships, and the informal economy so prevalent around the world. However, data gaps remain. Standards have to be applied in surveys and other data sources to be effective.

In this page, you can find all the relevant information on statistical labour standards, methods, and guidance to implement them effectively including practical tools for survey design, interpretation, and publication of end results.

Measurement in motion
Setting new standards


The International Conference of Labour Statisticians (ICLS), hosted by the ILO every 5 years, is the main international standard-setting process for labour statistics. Access below key information on the ICLS, standards adopted by the ICLS and other ICLS documents, and core concepts and definitions used in ILOSTAT.

ICLS documents

Find resolutions, guidelines, meeting room documents and reports related to the International Conference of Labour Statisticians (ICLS).

Concepts and definitions

Database descriptions, statistical standards (resolutions and guidelines), and guides and manuals – all the metadata to better understand the labour statistics presented on ILOSTAT.


The ILO is responsible for the development and maintenance of the following classifications. See concepts and definitions for additional classifications.

Implementation of statistical standards

Methods and guidance

The ILO equips statisticians with practical tools, evidence-based methodologies and technical guidance to implement new standards and make the most of the data.

Measuring unpaid domestic and care work

Discover a practical tool for measuring unpaid domestic and care work and find out how we can assist you in making time-use data collection and analysis faster, easier, and more accurate.

Population Census resources

Online resources for data producers to improve their population census to be in line with the latest international statistical standards for labour.


This page discusses the impact of the pandemic on labour markets and the collection of labour statistics. It features guidance for data producers.

Research and development

The ILO has an active programme of methodological research to identify and promote good practices in the collection and reporting of work statistics to support standards setting and implementation.

LFS research and development

Learn more about the ILO’s programme of methodological research to identify and promote good practices in the collection and reporting of labour statistics.

Key and emerging topics

Statistics on unpaid work

This topic page on unpaid work provides access to statistical information including data, methods, publications and more.

Statistics on volunteer work

This topic page on unpaid work provides access to statistical information including data, methods, publications and more.

Statistics on migrant workers

This topic page on labour migration, including stocks and flows, provides access to statistical information including data, methods, and publications.


Access below some key publications related to statistical labour standards and methods. For analytical publications featuring ILOSTAT data click here

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