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Global review of impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on labour force surveys and dissemination of labour market statistics

In March 2021, the ILO undertook a global survey of national data producers to understand the impacts of the pandemic on their statistical operations particularly in the domain of labour statistics.

Global review of impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on labour force surveys and dissemination of labour market statistics Read More »

© Matteo Jorjoson / Unsplash

Keeping labour data flowing during the COVID-19 pandemic

Losing the ability to collect data may not be one of the more obvious negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, nearly all countries in the world found it difficult to gather data precisely when demand was highest. A recent global survey by the ILO has highlighted just how great the impact was on the production of labour statistics and how countries responded to meet user needs for data.

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Measuring volunteer work self-learning course

In this self-paced course, also available in French, Spanish, Arabic and Russian, you will learn about the latest international standards on the statistical measurement of volunteer work; and how to apply the ILO survey tools to generate headline indicators on volunteer work. If it is the first time you access the ITC eCampus platform, click on CREATE NEW ACCOUNT and follow the instructions.

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How to strengthen gender measures and data in the COVID-19 era

The data is abundantly clear on one point: the COVID-19 pandemic has had a disproportionately negative impact on women. Because more women work in the tourism, retail, and informal sectors, which have been hardest hit by the pandemic, their livelihoods have been upended. Understanding the extent of this impact is the first step in reversing course. Yet the pandemic has also exposed and exacerbated data gaps that undermine our ability to act intentionally and craft effective policy responses.

How to strengthen gender measures and data in the COVID-19 era Read More »

Statistics on Cooperatives: Concepts, classification, work and economic contribution measurement

This publication brings together updated versions of four background studies produced for the ILO and COPAC in the process leading up to the adoption of the Guidelines concerning statistics of cooperatives at the 20th ICLS in October 2018. Together with the guidelines, it is intended to help statisticians to capture more information on key trends and challenges in the world of cooperatives.

Statistics on Cooperatives: Concepts, classification, work and economic contribution measurement Read More »

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