The leading source of labour statistics

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Own-use provision of services: Measurement guide

This guide provides guidance on implementing the ILO add-on module for own-use provision of services (OPS) in national labour force surveys. It is aimed at low- and middle-income countries and is designed to support NSOs to produce statistics on OPS when resource constraints or other considerations impede an independent time-use survey.

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New ILO database updates work-related indicators to meet latest standards

The framework on work statistics has been widely publicized over the years, particularly to data producers and policymakers, as it was designed to improve labour market and gender analysis. But little has been said to data users interested in international comparisons. Until now. Here is the ILOSTAT solution to handling the impacts of revised definitions occurring on different schedules across the globe.

New ILO database updates work-related indicators to meet latest standards Read More »

Labour statistics: From standards to data

This free masterclass is available on eCampus, ITCILO’s online learning platform.

Watch the 9 video lessons to hear directly from Senior Experts in the ILO Department of Statistics about the challenges and developments countries are facing nowadays in what concerns labour statistics, and how International Statistical Standards are instrumental in developing statistical systems global in order to pave the way for a better future that promotes social justice through decent work.

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What to know when comparing data on women and men’s work

How many men and women were employed last week? How many hours did they work in their main jobs? And how many hours did they work in unpaid activities such as caring for children? These are seemingly straightforward questions but measuring paid and unpaid work through household surveys is anything but straightforward. This holds true especially for women in developing countries, who are more often engaged in informal activities such as microenterprises or small-scale farming — activities that can fall through the cracks of traditional surveys.

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Measuring Women and Men’s Work: Main Findings from a Joint ILO and World Bank Study in Sri Lanka

This report presents the findings of the ILO-World Bank study in Sri Lanka. It shows the key areas of inconsistency discovered between the labour force survey and multi-topic living standards survey, how those inconsistencies were addressed across a range of topics including the measurement of employment, labour underutilization and own-use production work. In addition, the report highlights the range of valuable data that can be generated when the 19th ICLS standards are applied through household surveys.

Measuring Women and Men’s Work: Main Findings from a Joint ILO and World Bank Study in Sri Lanka Read More »

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