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Statistical Methodology Series 10 – Identification of ICSE-18 through labour force surveys

This report illustrates Key findings and implications for questionnaire design obtained from the pilot studies carried out by the ILO in Uganda and Peru in relation to the identification of status in employment based on the International Classification of Status in Employment (ICSE-18). Working relationships are inextricably linked to – and have direct implications for – the identification and measurement of informality. Thus, ensuring both are measured well is key to improving our understanding of informality.

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Statistical Methodology Series 9 – Engendering informality project

The report provides an overview of the labour force survey pilot studies carried out by the ILO Department of Statistics in Uganda and Peru under the Engendering Informality Statistics project funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The main activity of the project was to test statistical concepts and measurement approaches in household survey questionnaires to generate evidence on what works when collecting data with a gender lens.

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Own-use provision of services: Measurement guide

This guide provides guidance on implementing the ILO add-on module for own-use provision of services (OPS) in national labour force surveys. It is aimed at low- and middle-income countries and is designed to support NSOs to produce statistics on OPS when resource constraints or other considerations impede an independent time-use survey.

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