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Statistics on wages


Access to employment for all is a key goal of policymakers around the globe. Employment is indeed a core element of our livelihoods and lives. However, having a job is no guarantee of a decent living: job quality is required as well. Working conditions on the job will determine to a great extent our living conditions.

Remuneration is a crucial aspect of working conditions. Decent work is productive work which provides workers with adequate earnings, ensuring satisfactory living conditions for workers and their families. At the same time, monitoring the evolution of wages and earnings provides insights into the extent to which workers benefit from gains in productivity.

The objective of non-discrimination and equal treatment in employment implies that workers should receive equal pay for work of equal value. Disaggregated data for wages statistics serve to assess the extent to which this is true.

Data catalogue

IndicatorFrequencyDatabaseSubjectDownload (with labels)Download (with codes)Data explorer
SDG indicator 8.5.1 - Average hourly earnings of employees by sex (Local currency)AnnualSDG Labour Market Indicators (ILOSDG)Earnings.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Average hourly earnings of employees by sexAnnualWages and Working Time Statistics (COND)Earnings.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Average hourly earnings of employees by sex and ageAnnualWages and Working Time Statistics (COND)Earnings.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Average hourly earnings of employees by sex and educationAnnualWages and Working Time Statistics (COND)Earnings.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Average hourly earnings of employees by sex and rural / urban areasAnnualWages and Working Time Statistics (COND)Earnings.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Average hourly earnings of employees by sex and marital statusAnnualWages and Working Time Statistics (COND)Earnings.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Average hourly earnings of employees by sex and disability statusAnnualWages and Working Time Statistics (COND)Earnings.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Average hourly earnings of employees by sex and economic activityAnnualWages and Working Time Statistics (COND)Earnings.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Average hourly earnings of employees by sex and occupationAnnualWages and Working Time Statistics (COND)Earnings.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Average monthly earnings of employees by sexAnnualWages and Working Time Statistics (COND)Earnings.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Average monthly earnings of employees by sex and ageAnnualWages and Working Time Statistics (COND)Earnings.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Average monthly earnings of employees by sex and educationAnnualWages and Working Time Statistics (COND)Earnings.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Average monthly earnings of employees by sex and rural / urban areasAnnualWages and Working Time Statistics (COND)Earnings.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Average monthly earnings of employees by sex and marital statusAnnualWages and Working Time Statistics (COND)Earnings.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Average monthly earnings of employees by sex and disability statusAnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Earnings.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Average monthly earnings of employees by sex and occupationAnnualWages and Working Time Statistics (COND)Earnings.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Average monthly earnings of employees by sex and economic activityAnnualWages and Working Time Statistics (COND)Earnings.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Mean nominal monthly earnings of employees by sex and economic activity (local currency)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Earnings.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Mean nominal monthly earnings of employees by sex and economic activity (local currency)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Earnings.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Mean nominal monthly earnings of prime-age employees by sex, household type and presence of children (local currency)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Earnings.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Mean nominal monthly earnings of prime-age employees by sex, household type and rural / urban areas (local currency)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Earnings.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Statutory nominal gross monthly minimum wageAnnualWages and Working Time Statistics (COND)Earnings.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Low pay rate by sex (%)AnnualWages and Working Time Statistics (COND)Earnings.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Female share of low pay earners (%)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Earnings.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Gender wage gap by occupation (%)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Earnings.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz


Decent Work and the Sustainable Development Goals: A Guidebook on SDG Labour Market Indicators

This Guidebook provides a detailed overview of the labour market indicators included in the Sustainable Development Goals Global Indicator Framework. It is intended to serve as a manual of best practices for calculating and interpreting the SDG labour market indicators, with a view to monitoring progress made at the national and international levels towards the achievement of the SDGs.

Resolution concerning an integrated system of wages statistics

Adopted by the 12th ICLS (1973), this resolution revises, broadens and integrates the prior standards in order to provide guidelines for the production of comprehensive and mutually consistent statistics of wages (including salaries) and the need to co-ordinate these statistics with other economic and social statistics.


Note: Many publications are available only in English. If available in other languages, a new page will open displaying these options. 

Global Wage Report 2024-25: Is wage inequality decreasing globally?

The Global Wage Report 2024-25, provides a detailed look at wage trends around the world and in different regions, highlighting changes in wage inequality and real wage growth. It explores key challenges workers face globally and sheds light on patterns of income differences between and within countries.

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