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The effective communication of statistics is nothing short of challenging, but it is the key to getting the best out of the data. Especially when implementing methodological changes such as those linked to the implementation of new labour statistics standards, effective communication drives the success of statistical results.
The new standards adopted by the 19th, 20th, and 21st International Conferences of Labour Statisticians improve our knowledge of the labour market and the world of work by more adequately reflecting people’s participation in employment and unpaid work, their labour underutilization patterns, their work relationships, and their involvement in the informal economy. However, these information gains only materialize with a carefully designed communications and dissemination strategy, highlighting the analytical value added and explaining any breaks in series.
The ILO has devoted considerable time and resources to develop practical tools, evidence-based methodologies and technical guidance to implement new standards, but also to support the implementation process from the communications perspective.
This page presents key resources available to guide data producers in making and communicating methodological changes related to new standards implementation. It also includes materials to promote an accurate interpretation of statistics, such as quick guides, infographics, and videos, of interest to data producers and users alike.
Making changes
The materials below can be useful companions to the process of implementing new standards from a communications perspective. For technnical and methodological guidance on new standards implementation, click here.
Communicating changes
The guides presented here are valuable resources to support the communication and dissemination of results.
These infographics summarize key aspects of new standards implementation and their analytical value, in general and for some specific topics.
These posts of the ILOSTAT blog touch on the rationale, value, and impact of latest international labour statistics standards, in general and for some specific topics.

The plight of older workers in labour underutilization

Work and employment are not synonyms
These videos provide a didactic approach to understanding the impact of latest international labour statistics standards, in general and for some specific topics.