Note on the implementation of statistical standards from the 19th, 20th and 21st ICLS through household surveys
This note provides an overview of the requirements to apply the latest statistical standards through household surveys.
This note provides an overview of the requirements to apply the latest statistical standards through household surveys.
This quick guide explains the differences between the 13th and 19th ICLS standards, the impact of the revisions on headline indicators, and how the ILO handles this on ILOSTAT.
The framework on work statistics has been widely publicized over the years, particularly to data producers and policymakers, as it was designed to improve labour market and gender analysis. But little has been said to data users interested in international comparisons. Until now. Here is the ILOSTAT solution to handling the impacts of revised definitions occurring on different schedules across the globe.
New ILO database updates work-related indicators to meet latest standards Read More »
Concise description of concepts and definitions, uses, sources and limitations for (paid and unpaid) work statistics based on the 19th ICLS standards.
Work Statistics – 19th ICLS (WORK database) Read More »
This Data2X-ILO joint report builds on previous ILO reports on how new measurement approaches can help close gender data gaps in the world of work by further illustrating the differences between how women and men work and how improved measurement can support women’s economic empowerment.
Making Women’s Work Visible: The 19th ICLS Standards, Purpose and Progress Read More »
The COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare not only inequalities in the world of work, including between women and men, but it has also further emphasised the gender data gaps that hamper our understanding of the depth, nature and evolution of those inequalities.
Lessons from the pandemic: building better gender data for the future Read More »
This brief gives a summary overview of the impact of the introduction of the 19th ICLS statistical standards on labour statistics, as compared with the previous standards from the 13th ICLS. The key gender differences between the frameworks are illustrated using data collected from pilot studies completed between 2015 and 2017.
This report provides a detailed overview of the relevance of the 19th ICLS for gender analysis of participation in work and the labour market. It uses data from the pilot studies completed between 2015 and 2017 to illustrate the wide range of analytical potential when the new standards are implemented.
Work and employment may be used indistinctly in everyday language, but for the labour market they mean very different things. Employment is a very specific form of work. Other forms of work include own-use production work, volunteer work and unpaid trainee work.
Work and employment are not synonyms Read More »
An introduction to the conceptual frameworks for forms of work and labour force statistics, including labour underutilization.
Forms of work: An overview of the new statistical standards Read More »