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Manual or guide

Occupational injuries statistics from household surveys and establishment surveys: ILO manual on methods

This manual aims to assist those responsible for compiling data on occupational injuries with newly developed tools for collecting these data from household surveys and establishment surveys, to supplement the data compiled through notification systems.

Occupational injuries statistics from household surveys and establishment surveys: ILO manual on methods Read More »

Measuring the Economically Active in Population Censuses: A Handbook

The Handbook (2010) provides guidance on the measurement of economic characteristics in population censuses, based on relevant experiences of countries, with a particular focus on the questions used and the requirements for processing of responses. The Handbook is intended to provide census planners with a variety of approaches to assess the questions and methods of collecting economic characteristics used in their national census, as they evaluate the performance in the past decade and plan for the 2010 round of censuses (2005-2014).

Measuring the Economically Active in Population Censuses: A Handbook Read More »

The employment situation of people with disabilities: Towards improved statistical information

This guide highlights basic knowledge from the fields of labour and disability statistics which has to be combined for a comprehensive description of the employment situation of people with disabilities. It will be of great relevance to worldwide countries as they work to promote and monitor equal employment opportunities for disabled persons. It provides information on current standards and definitions in the fields of employment and disability, as well as descriptions of good practices related to the compilation of statistics on the employment situation of people with disabilities, so that better data on this topic can be produced.

The employment situation of people with disabilities: Towards improved statistical information Read More »

United Nations Guide to Producing Statistics on Time-Use: Measuring Paid and Unpaid Work

The purpose of the guide is threefold. First, it is conceived as a reference tool for countries interested in conducting time-use surveys. Second, it is aimed at facilitating the harmonization of methods and practices in collecting, processing and disseminating time use statistics. Finally it is meant to solicit comments and suggestions on the trial International Classification of Activities for Time-Use Statistics (ICATUS) which will subsequently be revised and ultimately presented for adoption as an international standard classification.

United Nations Guide to Producing Statistics on Time-Use: Measuring Paid and Unpaid Work Read More »

Measuring the non-observed economy. A handbook

The main focus of the Handbook is to provide guidance on how to produce exhaustive estimates of GDP. This means ensuring that as many productive activities as possible are observed, i.e., directly measured in the basic data on production, incomes, and expenditures from which the national accounts are compiled. It also means ensuring that non-observed activities are nevertheless accounted for, i.e., indirectly measured during compilation of the national accounts.

Measuring the non-observed economy. A handbook Read More »

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