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Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic: Closing gender data gaps in the world of work – role of the 19th ICLS standards

This report provides a detailed overview of the relevance of the 19th ICLS for gender analysis of participation in work and the labour market. It uses data from the pilot studies completed between 2015 and 2017 to illustrate the wide range of analytical potential when the new standards are implemented.

Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic: Closing gender data gaps in the world of work – role of the 19th ICLS standards Read More »

Capturing impacts on employment and unpaid work using Rapid Surveys

Lack of data on how households and workers are being impacted by the pandemic can severely affect the formulation of programmes and policies aimed to help those most in need. In times of crisis, rapid surveys may be an alternative source of information where official household surveys such as LFS have been halted or postponed. This note provides modules for rapid surveys to shed light on the COVID-19 impacts on paid and unpaid work.

Capturing impacts on employment and unpaid work using Rapid Surveys Read More »

COVID-19 impact on labour market statistics

The restrictions necessary to combat COVID-19 pose a huge obstacle to data collection operations, precisely when there is a massive increase in demand for information. The ILO reached out to national data producers to understand the impacts of the pandemic on their statistical operations particularly in the domain of labour statistics. Last update: May 2020

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Guidance to data producers to maintain labour force survey data collection

The most immediate impact of the pandemic on LFS data collection for most countries is the suspension of face-to-face interviewing. This note provides guidance to countries on the range of options available and challenges to deal with in order to change their data collection approach and maintain continuity in data availability.

Guidance to data producers to maintain labour force survey data collection Read More »

Will COVID-19 impair the availability and quality of labour statistics?

The pandemic is radically impacting our lives. But what about the statistics used to assess those impacts?  Without timely and accurate information, we will not act through adequate and informed policies. Though numbers should focus on the health of the population, we also need to understand what is happening in the domain of labour statistics. That is, how is COVID-19 affecting our working lives?  What is less obvious, however, is that the pandemic is also affecting our ability to compile such statistics.

Will COVID-19 impair the availability and quality of labour statistics? Read More »

Essential labour force survey content and treatment of special groups

International standards are still sound reference, but due to this unprecedented pandemic, this note provides guidance to data producers to maintain labour force survey (LFS) operations. It highlights the range of topics to prioritize in national LFS and suggested clarifications to support consistent treatment of special cases becoming more prevalent, such as job absences of uncertain duration, business closures, and overall reduced job search activity.

Essential labour force survey content and treatment of special groups Read More »

Quick Guide on Measuring Economic Characteristics in the Population Census

Capturing essential economic characteristics of the population in the census is recommended as a core topic for the 2020 Round of Population and Housing Censuses. To support these efforts, this guide updates international census recommendations aligned with the latest ICLS standards, and develops practical tools and training to support census planners in adapting these recommendations to the national context.

Quick Guide on Measuring Economic Characteristics in the Population Census Read More »

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