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ILO LFS pilot studies cognitive interviewing tests: Methodology, process and outcomes

This report describes the cognitive testing methodology used as first stage of evaluation in the ILO LFS pilot studies. The main focus is on country practices in implementing the cognitive tests to assess the model questionnaires. The report is part of the ILO statistical methodology series that describe in detail the main findings of the project.

ILO LFS pilot studies cognitive interviewing tests: Methodology, process and outcomes Read More »

ILO LFS pilot studies in follow up to the 19th ICLS: Background, objectives and methodology

This report describes the main features of Resolution I of the 19th ICLS and the process by which it was developed. It goes on to describe the objectives chosen for the ILO LFS pilot studies arising from the changes introduced through the new standards and the overall testing approach and methodology adopted in the pilot studies. The report is part of the ILO statistical methodology series that describe in detail the main findings of the project.

ILO LFS pilot studies in follow up to the 19th ICLS: Background, objectives and methodology Read More »

Quick guide on sources and uses of labour statistics

This guide walks readers through the basics of labour statistics, from their conception to their final use. It includes key information on sources, standards, concepts, definitions, scope and interpretation of labour statistics, making it a valuable tool for anyone wanting to learn the essentials of labour statistics.

Quick guide on sources and uses of labour statistics Read More »

Key Labor Market Indicators: Analysis with Household Survey Data

This publication is an introduction to labour market indicator analysis and a guide for analysing household survey data using the ADePT ILO Labour Market Indicators Module. The ADePT module is a powerful tool for producing and analysing KILM indicators using household survey data. The software allows researchers and practitioners to automate data production, to minimize data production errors and to quickly produce a wide range of labour market data from labour force surveys or other household surveys that contain labour market information.

Key Labor Market Indicators: Analysis with Household Survey Data Read More »

Guide on the Harmonization of Labour Inspection Statistics

This publication provides a methodology for the use of common terms and definitions and common procedures for the collection and compilation of labour inspection data. It also incorporates several additional recommendations that further the objective of harmonizing labour inspection statistics.

Guide on the Harmonization of Labour Inspection Statistics Read More »

Measuring the Economically Active in Population Censuses: A Handbook

The Handbook (2010) provides guidance on the measurement of economic characteristics in population censuses, based on relevant experiences of countries, with a particular focus on the questions used and the requirements for processing of responses. The Handbook is intended to provide census planners with a variety of approaches to assess the questions and methods of collecting economic characteristics used in their national census, as they evaluate the performance in the past decade and plan for the 2010 round of censuses (2005-2014).

Measuring the Economically Active in Population Censuses: A Handbook Read More »

Sources and Methods Volume 2: Establishment surveys (2012) – Employment, wages, hours of work and labour cost

This volume presents national methodological descriptions of establishment surveys from which statistics of employment, wages, hours of work and labour cost are obtained. It is a revised, enlarged and updated version of the second edition issued in 1995 and contains descriptions for 172 surveys in respect of 84 countries, areas and territories.

Sources and Methods Volume 2: Establishment surveys (2012) – Employment, wages, hours of work and labour cost Read More »

Sources and Methods Volume 3B: Labour force surveys (2011) – Source of statistics of the labour force and its components

This volume presents national methodological descriptions of statistics of employment, unemployment, underemployment, hours of work and other indicators derived from labour force and household surveys, disseminated on ILOSTAT. It is a revised and updated version of the third edition issued in 2004, and contains descriptions for 160 countries and territories and 169 surveys.

Sources and Methods Volume 3B: Labour force surveys (2011) – Source of statistics of the labour force and its components Read More »

Sources and Methods Volume 5: Population censuses (2004) – Total and economically active population, employment and unemployment

This volume is an updated version of the second edition issued in 1996 which presented national methodological descriptions of population censuses carried out during the period 1989-94 in 115 countries, areas and territories. The first edition issued in 1990 covered the period 1945-89.

Sources and Methods Volume 5: Population censuses (2004) – Total and economically active population, employment and unemployment Read More »

Sources and Methods Volume 4: Administrative records and related sources (2004) – Employment, unemployment, wages and hours of work

This volume presents national methodological descriptions of statistics of employment, unemployment, wages and hours of work, derived from administrative records and related sources. It is a revised and updated version of the first edition issued in 1989, and contains 124 descriptions in respect of 102 countries, areas and territories.

Sources and Methods Volume 4: Administrative records and related sources (2004) – Employment, unemployment, wages and hours of work Read More »