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Labour underutilization

Alternative measures of labour underutilization, including LU2, LU3 and LU4, time-related underemployment, and youth not in employment, education or training (NEET)

The jobs gap: Measuring labour underutilisation beyond unemployment

This issue of Spolight on Work Statistics discusses an indicator recently developed by the ILO – the jobs gap – which is shown to be an important complement to the unemployment rate. The indicator is particularly relevant to assess the difficulties that women face in finding a job and highlights job creation challenges in the developing world.

The jobs gap: Measuring labour underutilisation beyond unemployment Read More »

COVID-19 and the Sustainable Development Goals: reversing progress towards decent work for all

The pandemic wreaked havoc on people’s lives and societies, but how far did it set the global community back in reaching the SDG targets related to decent work and economic growth?

COVID-19 and the Sustainable Development Goals: reversing progress towards decent work for all Read More »

© Engin Akyurt / Unsplash

How women are being left behind in the quest for decent work for all

The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals set out a shared vision to end poverty, fight inequality and injustice, and tackle climate change by 2030. Will the pandemic reverse progress in advancing decent work for all as prescribed under Goal 8? It seems likely, at least for women.

How women are being left behind in the quest for decent work for all Read More »

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