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Measuring unemployment and the potential labour force in labour force surveys: Main findings from the ILO LFS pilot studies

This report presents the main findings on the measurement of unemployment and the potential labour force drawn from the ILO LFS pilot studies. The report is part of the ILO statistical methodology series that describe in detail the main findings of the project.

Measuring unemployment and the potential labour force in labour force surveys: Main findings from the ILO LFS pilot studies Read More »

ILO LFS pilot studies experimental field tests: Methodology, process and outcomes

The focus of this report is to provide a more detailed description of the field testing stage of the process including the design, implementation and lessons learned. The report is part of the ILO statistical methodology series that describe in detail the main findings of the ILO LFS pilot studies.

ILO LFS pilot studies experimental field tests: Methodology, process and outcomes Read More »

ILO LFS pilot studies cognitive interviewing tests: Methodology, process and outcomes

This report describes the cognitive testing methodology used as first stage of evaluation in the ILO LFS pilot studies. The main focus is on country practices in implementing the cognitive tests to assess the model questionnaires. The report is part of the ILO statistical methodology series that describe in detail the main findings of the project.

ILO LFS pilot studies cognitive interviewing tests: Methodology, process and outcomes Read More »

ILO LFS pilot studies in follow up to the 19th ICLS: Background, objectives and methodology

This report describes the main features of Resolution I of the 19th ICLS and the process by which it was developed. It goes on to describe the objectives chosen for the ILO LFS pilot studies arising from the changes introduced through the new standards and the overall testing approach and methodology adopted in the pilot studies. The report is part of the ILO statistical methodology series that describe in detail the main findings of the project.

ILO LFS pilot studies in follow up to the 19th ICLS: Background, objectives and methodology Read More »

Resolution concerning statistics of work, employment and labour underutilization (including amendments)

Adopted by the 19th ICLS (2013), this resolution sets standards for work statistics to guide countries in updating and integrating their existing statistical programmes in this field. It defines the statistical concept of work for reference purposes and provides operational concepts, definitions and guidelines for: (a) distinct subsets of work activities, referred to as forms of work; (b) related classifications of the population according to their labour force status and main form of work; (c) measures of labour underutilization.

Resolution concerning statistics of work, employment and labour underutilization (including amendments) Read More »

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