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The importance of employment as a pathway to economic development, social inclusion and well-being has long been recognised. As well as being at the heart of the ILO’s Decent Work Agenda, employment is a central element in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development which places emphasis on promoting productive employment and decent work for all (Goal 8).
In this context, statistics on employment are crucial to monitor progress towards many national and international policy goals. These statistics must not just quantify work and people in employment but also provide meaningful information on the types of jobs people are doing.
The international statistical standards relating to employment have undergone significant changes over time, designed to improve their relevance and depth for policy makers. The most significant of these changes came at the 19th International Conference of Labour Statisticians in 2013 when the international community adopted the first statistical definition of work alongside a forms of work framework. Within the new framework, employment is defined as work performed in return for pay or profit. This is narrower than the scope of the previous definition which included some unpaid activities such as subsistence work.
Data catalogue
Indicator | Frequency | Database | Subject | Download (with labels) | Download (with codes) | Data explorer |
SDG indicator 5.5.2 - Proportion of women in senior and middle management positions (%) | Annual | SDG Labour Market Indicators (ILOSDG) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
SDG indicator 5.5.2 - Proportion of women in managerial positions (%) | Annual | SDG Labour Market Indicators (ILOSDG) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
SDG indicator 9.2.2 - Manufacturing employment as a proportion of total employment (%) | Annual | SDG Labour Market Indicators (ILOSDG) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex and age (thousands) | Annual | Labour Force Statistics (LFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex and age (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex and age (thousands) | Monthly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, age and education (thousands) | Annual | Education and Mismatch Indicators (EMI) | Employment | .csv .dta | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, age and education (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, age and education (thousands) | Monthly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, age and rural / urban areas (thousands) | Annual | Rural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, age and rural / urban areas (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, age and rural / urban areas (thousands) | Monthly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, age and marital status (thousands) | Annual | Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, age and marital status (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, age and disability status (thousands) | Annual | Disability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, age and status in employment (thousands) | Annual | Labour Force Statistics (LFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, age and status in employment (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, age and economic activity (thousands) | Annual | Labour Force Statistics (LFS) | Employment | .csv .dta | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, age and economic activity (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, age and occupation (thousands) | Annual | Labour Force Statistics (LFS) | Employment | .csv .dta | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, age and occupation (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, age and public/private sector (thousands) | Annual | Labour Force Statistics (LFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, age and public/private sector (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, age and working time arrangement (thousands) | Annual | Wages and Working Time Statistics (COND) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, age and working time arrangement (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, age and working time arrangement (thousands) | Monthly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex and education (thousands) | Annual | Education and Mismatch Indicators (EMI) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex and education (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex and education (thousands) | Monthly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, education and rural / urban areas (thousands) | Annual | Education and Mismatch Indicators (EMI) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, education and rural / urban areas (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, education and marital status (thousands) | Annual | Education and Mismatch Indicators (EMI) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, education and disability status (thousands) | Annual | Disability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex and rural / urban areas (thousands) | Annual | Rural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex and rural / urban areas (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex and rural / urban areas (thousands) | Monthly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, rural / urban area and marital status (thousands) | Annual | Rural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, rural / urban area and marital status (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, rural / urban areas and disability status (thousands) | Annual | Disability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, rural / urban areas and disability status (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex and marital status (thousands) | Annual | Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex and marital status (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex and marital status (thousands) | Monthly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, marital status and disability status (thousands) | Annual | Disability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, marital status and disability status (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex and disability status (thousands) | Annual | Disability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex and status in employment (thousands) | Annual | Labour Force Statistics (LFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex and status in employment (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex and status in employment (thousands) | Monthly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, status in employment and education (thousands) | Annual | Education and Mismatch Indicators (EMI) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, status in employment and rural / urban areas (thousands) | Annual | Rural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, status in employment and marital status (thousands) | Annual | Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, status in employment and marital status (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, status in employment and disability status (thousands) | Annual | Disability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, status in employment and economic activity (thousands) | Annual | Labour Force Statistics (LFS) | Employment | .csv .dta | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, status in employment and economic activity (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, status in employment and occupation (thousands) | Annual | Labour Force Statistics (LFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, status in employment and occupation (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, status in employment and public/private sector (thousands) | Annual | Labour Force Statistics (LFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, status in employment and public/private sector (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, status in employment and establishment size (thousands) | Annual | Labour Force Statistics (LFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, status in employment and establishment size (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, status in employment and multiple job holding (thousands) | Annual | Labour Force Statistics (LFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex and economic activity (thousands) | Annual | Labour Force Statistics (LFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex and economic activity (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex and economic activity (thousands) | Monthly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, economic activity and education (thousands) | Annual | Education and Mismatch Indicators (EMI) | Employment | .csv .dta | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, economic activity and education (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, economic activity and rural / urban areas (thousands) | Annual | Rural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, economic activity and marital status (thousands) | Annual | Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, economic activity and marital status (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, economic activity and disability status (thousands) | Annual | Disability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by economic activity and occupation (thousands) | Annual | Labour Force Statistics (LFS) | Employment | .csv .dta | .csv.gz | |
Employment by economic activity and occupation (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, economic activity and public/private sector (thousands) | Annual | Labour Force Statistics (LFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, economic activity and public/private sector (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, economic activity and public/private sector (thousands) | Monthly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, economic activity and establishment size (thousands) | Annual | Labour Force Statistics (LFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, economic activity and establishment size (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex and economic activity - ISIC level 2 (thousands) | Annual | Labour Force Statistics (LFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, economic activity and multiple job holding (thousands) | Annual | Labour Force Statistics (LFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, economic activity and multiple job holding (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by age and economic activity - ISIC level 2 (thousands) | Annual | Labour Force Statistics (LFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, education and economic activity - ISIC level 2 (thousands) | Annual | Education and Mismatch Indicators (EMI) | Employment | .csv .dta | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, status in employment and economic activity - ISIC level 2 (thousands) | Annual | Labour Force Statistics (LFS) | Employment | .csv .dta | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, occupation and economic activity - ISIC level 2 (thousands) | Annual | Labour Force Statistics (LFS) | Employment | .csv .dta | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, establishment size and economic activity - ISIC level 2 (thousands) | Annual | Labour Force Statistics (LFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex and occupation (thousands) | Annual | Labour Force Statistics (LFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex and occupation (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex and occupation (thousands) | Monthly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, occupation and education (thousands) | Annual | Education and Mismatch Indicators (EMI) | Employment | .csv .dta | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, occupation and education (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, occupation and rural / urban areas (thousands) | Annual | Rural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, occupation and marital status (thousands) | Annual | Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, occupation and marital status (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, occupation and disability status (thousands) | Annual | Disability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, occupation and public/private sector (thousands) | Annual | Labour Force Statistics (LFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, occupation and public/private sector (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, occupation and establishment size (thousands) | Annual | Labour Force Statistics (LFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, occupation and establishment size (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, occupation and multiple job holding (thousands) | Annual | Labour Force Statistics (LFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, occupation and multiple job holding (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex and occupation - ISCO level 2 (thousands) | Annual | Labour Force Statistics (LFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by age and occupation - ISCO level 2 (thousands) | Annual | Labour Force Statistics (LFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex and public/private sector (thousands) | Annual | Labour Force Statistics (LFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex and public/private sector (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, public/private sector and rural/urban areas (thousands) | Annual | Rural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, public/private sector and rural/urban areas (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, public/private sector and marital status (thousands) | Annual | Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, public/private sector and marital status (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, public/private sector and disability status (thousands) | Annual | Disability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, public/private sector and disability status (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex and establishment size (thousands) | Annual | Labour Force Statistics (LFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex and establishment size (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex and establishment size (thousands) | Monthly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, establishment size and rural / urban areas (thousands) | Annual | Rural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, establishment size and rural / urban areas (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, establishment size and marital status (thousands) | Annual | Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, establishment size and disability status (thousands) | Annual | Disability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, establishment size and disability status (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex and weekly hours actually worked (thousands) | Annual | Wages and Working Time Statistics (COND) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex and weekly hours actually worked (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, weekly hours actually worked and education (thousands) | Annual | Education and Mismatch Indicators (EMI) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, weekly hours actually worked and education (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, weekly hours actually worked and rural / urban areas (thousands) | Annual | Rural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, weekly hours actually worked and rural / urban areas (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, weekly hours actually worked and marital status (thousands) | Annual | Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, weekly hours actually worked and marital status (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, weekly hours actually worked and disability status (thousands) | Annual | Disability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, weekly hours actually worked and disability status (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex and multiple-job holding (thousands) | Annual | Labour Force Statistics (LFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex and multiple-job holding (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, multiple job holding and rural / urban areas (thousands) | Annual | Rural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, multiple job holding and rural / urban areas (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, multiple job holding and education (thousands) | Annual | Education and Mismatch Indicators (EMI) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, multiple job holding and education (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, multiple job holding and marital status (thousands) | Annual | Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, multiple job holding and marital status (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, multiple job holding and disability status (thousands) | Annual | Disability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, multiple job holding and disability status (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, status in employment and 'educational mismatch', statistical approach (thousands) | Annual | Education and Mismatch Indicators (EMI) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, status in employment and 'educational mismatch', normative approach (thousands) | Annual | Education and Mismatch Indicators (EMI) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex and age, seasonally adjusted series (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex and age, seasonally adjusted series (thousands) | Monthly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex and economic activity, seasonally adjusted series (thousands) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex and economic activity, seasonally adjusted series (thousands) | Monthly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment-to-population ratio by sex and age (%) | Annual | Labour Force Statistics (LFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment-to-population ratio by sex and age (%) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment-to-population ratio by sex and age (%) | Monthly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, age and education (%) | Annual | Education and Mismatch Indicators (EMI) | Employment | .csv .dta | .csv.gz | |
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, age and education (%) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta | .csv.gz | |
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, age and education (%) | Monthly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, age and rural / urban areas (%) | Annual | Rural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, age and rural / urban areas (%) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, age and rural / urban areas (%) | Monthly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, age and marital status (%) | Annual | Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, age and marital status (%) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, age and disability status (%) | Annual | Disability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment-to-population ratio by sex and education (%) | Annual | Education and Mismatch Indicators (EMI) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment-to-population ratio by sex and education (%) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment-to-population ratio by sex and education (%) | Monthly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, education and rural / urban areas (%) | Annual | Education and Mismatch Indicators (EMI) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, education and rural / urban areas (%) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, education and marital status (%) | Annual | Education and Mismatch Indicators (EMI) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, education and disability status (%) | Annual | Disability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment-to-population ratio by sex and rural / urban areas (%) | Annual | Rural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment-to-population ratio by sex and rural / urban areas (%) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment-to-population ratio by sex and rural / urban areas (%) | Monthly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, rural / urban area and marital status (%) | Annual | Rural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, rural / urban area and marital status (%) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, rural / urban areas and disability status (%) | Annual | Disability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, rural / urban areas and disability status (%) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment-to-population ratio by sex and marital status (%) | Annual | Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment-to-population ratio by sex and marital status (%) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment-to-population ratio by sex and marital status (%) | Monthly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, marital status and disability status (%) | Annual | Disability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, marital status and disability status (%) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment-to-population ratio by sex and disability status (%) | Annual | Disability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment-to-population ratio by sex and disability status (%) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Prime-age employment-to-population ratio by sex, household type and presence of children (%) | Annual | Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Prime-age employment-to-population ratio by sex, household type and rural / urban areas (%) | Annual | Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment-to-population ratio by sex and age, seasonally adjusted series (%) | Quarterly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment-to-population ratio by sex and age, seasonally adjusted series (%) | Monthly | Short-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Incidence of part-time employment by sex -- Common definition (%) | Annual | Wages and Working Time Statistics (COND) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Youth employment by sex, age and education (thousands) | Annual | Youth Labour Market Indicators (YouthSTATS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Youth employment by sex, age and rural / urban areas (thousands) | Annual | Youth Labour Market Indicators (YouthSTATS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Youth employment by sex, age and disability status (thousands) | Annual | Youth Labour Market Indicators (YouthSTATS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Youth employment by sex, age and school attendance status (thousands) | Annual | Youth Labour Market Indicators (YouthSTATS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Youth employment by sex, age and status in employment (thousands) | Annual | Youth Labour Market Indicators (YouthSTATS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Youth employment by sex, age and economic activity (thousands) | Annual | Youth Labour Market Indicators (YouthSTATS) | Employment | .csv .dta | .csv.gz | |
Youth employment by sex, age and occupation (thousands) | Annual | Youth Labour Market Indicators (YouthSTATS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Youth employment by sex, age and weekly hours actually worked (thousands) | Annual | Youth Labour Market Indicators (YouthSTATS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Youth employment by sex, age and working time arrangement (thousands) | Annual | Youth Labour Market Indicators (YouthSTATS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Youth employment-to-population ratio by sex, age and disability status (%) | Annual | Youth Labour Market Indicators (YouthSTATS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Youth employment-to-population ratio by sex, age and education (%) | Annual | Youth Labour Market Indicators (YouthSTATS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Youth employment-to-population ratio by sex, age and rural / urban areas (%) | Annual | Youth Labour Market Indicators (YouthSTATS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Youth employment-to-population ratio by sex, age and school attendance status (%) | Annual | Youth Labour Market Indicators (YouthSTATS) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex and age -- ILO modelled estimates, Nov. 2024 (thousands) | Annual | ILO Modelled Estimates (ILOEST) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, age and rural / urban areas -- ILO modelled estimates, Nov. 2021 (thousands) | Annual | ILO Modelled Estimates (ILOEST) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex and status in employment -- ILO modelled estimates, Nov. 2024 (thousands) | Annual | ILO Modelled Estimates (ILOEST) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by age and status in employment -- ILO modelled estimates, Nov. 2024 (thousands) | Annual | ILO Modelled Estimates (ILOEST) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, rural / urban areas and status in employment -- ILO modelled estimates, Nov. 2021 (thousands) | Annual | ILO Modelled Estimates (ILOEST) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex and economic activity -- ILO modelled estimates, Nov. 2024 (thousands) | Annual | ILO Modelled Estimates (ILOEST) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, rural / urban areas and economic activity -- ILO modelled estimates, Nov. 2020 (thousands) | Annual | ILO Modelled Estimates (ILOEST) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex and occupation -- ILO modelled estimates, Nov. 2024 (thousands) | Annual | ILO Modelled Estimates (ILOEST) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex, rural / urban areas and occupation -- ILO modelled estimates, Nov. 2020 (thousands) | Annual | ILO Modelled Estimates (ILOEST) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment-to-population ratio by sex and age -- ILO modelled estimates, Nov. 2024 (%) | Annual | ILO Modelled Estimates (ILOEST) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, age and rural / urban areas -- ILO modelled estimates, Nov. 2021 (%) | Annual | ILO Modelled Estimates (ILOEST) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Full-time equivalent employment by sex -- ILO modelled estimates, Nov. 2024 (thousands) | Annual | ILO Modelled Estimates (ILOEST) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex and age -- 19th ICLS (thousands) | Annual | Work Statistics 19th ICLS (WORK) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment by sex and status in employment -- 19th ICLS (thousands) | Annual | Work Statistics 19th ICLS (WORK) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz | |
Employment-to-population ratio by sex and age -- 19th ICLS (%) | Annual | Work Statistics 19th ICLS (WORK) | Employment | .csv .dta .xlsx | .csv.gz |
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