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The unseen workforce behind wastewater management

High-income countries often take the wastewater management process for granted. Yet only 58 per cent of the world’s domestic wastewater is safely treated, with significant variation across regions. For World Toilet Day, we delve into the data to gain a better understanding of employment in the water collection, treatment and supply and sewerage industries in different country contexts.

The unseen workforce behind wastewater management Read More »

Where women work: female-dominated occupations and sectors

Despite women breaking barriers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) occupations and some overcoming obstacles in leadership roles, the transformation of the gender landscape in the workplace remains somewhat limited. Explore the latest insights from the new ILO database Worker and Sector Profiles.

Where women work: female-dominated occupations and sectors Read More »

From tradition to transformation: employment trends in postal and courier services

Technology has severely affected demand for postal services. At the same time employment in the industry is still rising in most countries, driven by rapid growth in courier activities. This apparent contradiction in fact supports the idea that while technological progress can destroy jobs and displace workers, it can also create more jobs, creating a positive overall effect. Looking to the future, reskilling, upskilling and support to help postal services accelerate their digitalization and diversification processes will be key to building the resilience and adaptability of workers and enterprises in the sector.

From tradition to transformation: employment trends in postal and courier services Read More »

Quality education for all? We need (more) teachers!

Data insights reveal important teacher shortages in many countries around the world, and declining numbers of vocational education teachers at a time when we need them the most. Policies to improve education quality and outcomes must consider not only students and learners, but also and importantly, teachers.

Quality education for all? We need (more) teachers! Read More »

African youth face pressing challenges in the transition from school to work

More than 72 million youth in Africa are not in education, employment or training – the majority of them young women. Tackling youth inactivity and gender inequalities is essential if countries are to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 8 on decent work for all by 2030.

African youth face pressing challenges in the transition from school to work Read More »

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