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Guidebook on how and why to collect and use data on industrial relations

This guidebook is intended to support ILO’s tripartite constituents in the collection of data on industrial relations, including on trade union membership, on the coverage of collective bargaining agreements and on strikes and lockouts.

Guidebook on how and why to collect and use data on industrial relations Read More »

Quick Guide on Measuring Economic Characteristics in the Population Census

Capturing essential economic characteristics of the population in the census is recommended as a core topic for the 2020 Round of Population and Housing Censuses. To support these efforts, this guide updates international census recommendations aligned with the latest ICLS standards, and develops practical tools and training to support census planners in adapting these recommendations to the national context.

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Quick guide on interpreting the unemployment rate

The unemployment rate is a key labour market indicator, but it has many shortcomings which we must take into account when interpreting it. The Quick guide on interpreting the unemployment rate provides helpful information on all the main aspects underlying this headline indicator and its limitations. It also provides tips to communicate effectively on the unemployment rate.

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Quick guide on sources and uses of collective bargaining statistics

Collective bargaining statistics are crucial to assess labour markets but also the state of industrial relations. However, the particularities linked with the data sources and data quality make collective bargaining statistics a very challenging field of labour statistics. Get information about all the main aspects of collective bargaining statistics in this quick guide.

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Decent Work and the Sustainable Development Goals: A Guidebook on SDG Labour Market Indicators

This Guidebook provides a detailed overview of the labour market indicators included in the Sustainable Development Goals Global Indicator Framework. It is intended to serve as a manual of best practices for calculating and interpreting the SDG labour market indicators, with a view to monitoring progress made at the national and international levels towards the achievement of the SDGs.

Decent Work and the Sustainable Development Goals: A Guidebook on SDG Labour Market Indicators Read More »

Visualizing labour markets: A quick guide to charting labour statistics

Given how valuable and useful charts are for the analysis and interpretation of labour statistics, this guide describes the main types of charts used as well as some more complex types of charts, providing numerous visual examples in each case. The guide also provides tips on making effective labour statistics charts, considering various aspects to ensure that the charts designed are useful, clear and visually-appealing.

Visualizing labour markets: A quick guide to charting labour statistics Read More »

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