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© Marcel Crozet / ILO

Who are the women on the move? A portrait of female migrant workers

The international migration of women, either together with their family or on their own, is an increasingly important and complex phenomenon but remains insufficiently documented owing to a lack of data. New ILOSTAT data offer some insights on the profile of women looking for work and better opportunities abroad.

Who are the women on the move? A portrait of female migrant workers Read More »

© Marcel Crozet / ILO

International Day of Persons with Disabilities: how disability affects labour market outcomes

People with disabilities make up 15 per cent of the global population according to the World Report on Disability published by the World Health Organization and the World Bank in 2011. Yet, they are far from adequately represented in labour markets around the world.

International Day of Persons with Disabilities: how disability affects labour market outcomes Read More »

International Day of Rural Women: the unfinished quest for decent work for all

Challenges to decent work are different in rural and urban areas, but women in rural areas face additional hurdles to access decent work. Higher labour force participation in rural areas in the developing world and widespread decent work deficits of rural jobs reveal the need to promote healthy rural labour markets for everyone.

International Day of Rural Women: the unfinished quest for decent work for all Read More »

© Pop & Zebra / Unsplash

COVID-19 and the new meaning of safety and health at work

In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, occupational safety and health takes on even greater importance. It is a core aspect of decent work, and as such, it should be universally guaranteed. Yet, too many work accidents still take place every year. Work accidents have a significant human, social and economic cost, which we should strive to eliminate by ensuring that all workplaces are safe and healthy.

COVID-19 and the new meaning of safety and health at work Read More »

Decent Work Indicators – Guidelines for producers and users of statistical and legal framework indicators

This manual presents guidelines on the decent work statistical indicators and legal framework indicators. It is divided into eleven chapters which correspond to the ten substantive elements of decent work as well as to the economic and social context for decent work.

Decent Work Indicators – Guidelines for producers and users of statistical and legal framework indicators Read More »

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