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Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic: Gender relevance of the 19th ICLS statistical standards

This brief gives a summary overview of the impact of the introduction of the 19th ICLS statistical standards on labour statistics, as compared with the previous standards from the 13th ICLS. The key gender differences between the frameworks are illustrated using data collected from pilot studies completed between 2015 and 2017.

Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic: Gender relevance of the 19th ICLS statistical standards Read More »

Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic: Closing gender data gaps in the world of work – role of the 19th ICLS standards

This report provides a detailed overview of the relevance of the 19th ICLS for gender analysis of participation in work and the labour market. It uses data from the pilot studies completed between 2015 and 2017 to illustrate the wide range of analytical potential when the new standards are implemented.

Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic: Closing gender data gaps in the world of work – role of the 19th ICLS standards Read More »

Rural and urban labour markets: Different challenges for promoting decent work

This issue of Spotlight on Work Statistics explores the rapid urbanization observed in the world and the accompanying shifts in employment from agriculture to non-agricultural activities. It sheds light on differences between rural and urban areas in labour force participation and labour underutilization (and especially unemployment). It also attempts to reveal differences in the quality of employment in rural and urban areas.

Rural and urban labour markets: Different challenges for promoting decent work Read More »

“I am Generation Equality”: ideals versus reality in Asia and the Pacific’s labour markets

In 1995, an ambitious and progressive plan to improve empowerment of all women and girls globally was developed at the historic Fourth World Conference on Women. Since then, a new generation of women workers have become eligible to enter the workforce; but have they been able to find equal work and pay?

“I am Generation Equality”: ideals versus reality in Asia and the Pacific’s labour markets Read More »

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