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© Marcel Crozet / ILO

International Day of Persons with Disabilities: how disability affects labour market outcomes

People with disabilities make up 15 per cent of the global population according to the World Report on Disability published by the World Health Organization and the World Bank in 2011. Yet, they are far from adequately represented in labour markets around the world.

International Day of Persons with Disabilities: how disability affects labour market outcomes Read More »

© Marcin Jozwiak / Unsplash

Fallout of COVID-19: working moms are being squeezed out of the labour force

A workable balance is what parents are desperately trying to find in these uncertain times. Even in “normal” times, the balance between work and family has not been an easy one to achieve. The challenge is not new, especially for women. But the pandemic is shining a stadium size light to the problem, can it also shine light on the solution?

Fallout of COVID-19: working moms are being squeezed out of the labour force Read More »

International Day of Rural Women: the unfinished quest for decent work for all

Challenges to decent work are different in rural and urban areas, but women in rural areas face additional hurdles to access decent work. Higher labour force participation in rural areas in the developing world and widespread decent work deficits of rural jobs reveal the need to promote healthy rural labour markets for everyone.

International Day of Rural Women: the unfinished quest for decent work for all Read More »

100 statistics on the ILO and the labour market to celebrate the ILO centenary

100 years of the ILO also means 100 years of ILO’s labour statistics to support the work of countries and organizations around the world in improving labour markets, and of course, to inform its own work. Celebrating the ILO centenary is also celebrating progress in labour statistics.

100 statistics on the ILO and the labour market to celebrate the ILO centenary Read More »

© Unsplash

How do people with disabilities fare in the labour market?

Finding work can be tough for people with disabilities. While the number of people with disabilities in the workforce has been rising in many countries, in part due to changing attitudes and improved legislation, if you have a disability, you’re still more likely to be out of work than a person who doesn’t.

How do people with disabilities fare in the labour market? Read More »

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