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Labour underutilization

Alternative measures of labour underutilization, including LU2, LU3 and LU4, time-related underemployment, and youth not in employment, education or training (NEET)

Decent Work and the Sustainable Development Goals: A Guidebook on SDG Labour Market Indicators

This Guidebook provides a detailed overview of the labour market indicators included in the Sustainable Development Goals Global Indicator Framework. It is intended to serve as a manual of best practices for calculating and interpreting the SDG labour market indicators, with a view to monitoring progress made at the national and international levels towards the achievement of the SDGs.

Decent Work and the Sustainable Development Goals: A Guidebook on SDG Labour Market Indicators Read More »

Key Labor Market Indicators: Analysis with Household Survey Data

This publication is an introduction to labour market indicator analysis and a guide for analysing household survey data using the ADePT ILO Labour Market Indicators Module. The ADePT module is a powerful tool for producing and analysing KILM indicators using household survey data. The software allows researchers and practitioners to automate data production, to minimize data production errors and to quickly produce a wide range of labour market data from labour force surveys or other household surveys that contain labour market information.

Key Labor Market Indicators: Analysis with Household Survey Data Read More »

Decent Work Indicators – Guidelines for producers and users of statistical and legal framework indicators

This manual presents guidelines on the decent work statistical indicators and legal framework indicators. It is divided into eleven chapters which correspond to the ten substantive elements of decent work as well as to the economic and social context for decent work.

Decent Work Indicators – Guidelines for producers and users of statistical and legal framework indicators Read More »

Resolution concerning statistics of work, employment and labour underutilization (including amendments)

Adopted by the 19th ICLS (2013), this resolution sets standards for work statistics to guide countries in updating and integrating their existing statistical programmes in this field. It defines the statistical concept of work for reference purposes and provides operational concepts, definitions and guidelines for: (a) distinct subsets of work activities, referred to as forms of work; (b) related classifications of the population according to their labour force status and main form of work; (c) measures of labour underutilization.

Resolution concerning statistics of work, employment and labour underutilization (including amendments) Read More »

Sources and Methods Volume 5: Population censuses (2004) – Total and economically active population, employment and unemployment

This volume is an updated version of the second edition issued in 1996 which presented national methodological descriptions of population censuses carried out during the period 1989-94 in 115 countries, areas and territories. The first edition issued in 1990 covered the period 1945-89.

Sources and Methods Volume 5: Population censuses (2004) – Total and economically active population, employment and unemployment Read More »

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