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Indicators and data tools


Labour force participation rate

2025 global estimate


Unemployment rate

2025 global estimate


Informal employment rate

2024 global estimate


Working poverty rate

2024 global estimate

Indicator catalogue

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SDG indicator 1.1.1 - Working poverty rate (percentage of employed living below US$2.15 PPP) (%)AnnualSDG Labour Market Indicators (ILOSDG)Working poverty.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
SDG indicator 1.3.1 - Proportion of population covered by social protection floors/systems (%)AnnualSDG Labour Market Indicators (ILOSDG)Social protection.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
SDG indicator 5.5.2 - Proportion of women in senior and middle management positions (%)AnnualSDG Labour Market Indicators (ILOSDG)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
SDG indicator 5.5.2 - Proportion of women in managerial positions (%)AnnualSDG Labour Market Indicators (ILOSDG)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
SDG indicator 8.2.1 - Annual growth rate of output per worker (GDP constant 2021 international $ at PPP) (%)AnnualSDG Labour Market Indicators (ILOSDG)Labour productivity.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
SDG indicator 8.3.1 - Proportion of informal employment in total employment by sex and sector (%)AnnualSDG Labour Market Indicators (ILOSDG)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
SDG indicator 8.5.1 - Average hourly earnings of employees by sex (Local currency)AnnualSDG Labour Market Indicators (ILOSDG)Earnings.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
SDG indicator 8.5.2 - Unemployment rate (%)AnnualSDG Labour Market Indicators (ILOSDG)Unemployment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
SDG indicator 8.5.2 - Unemployment rate by disability status (%)AnnualSDG Labour Market Indicators (ILOSDG)Unemployment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
SDG indicator 8.6.1 - Proportion of youth (aged 15-24 years) not in education, employment or trainingAnnualSDG Labour Market Indicators (ILOSDG)Other measures of labour underutilization.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
SDG indicator 8.7.1 - Proportion of children engaged in economic activity and household choresAnnualSDG Labour Market Indicators (ILOSDG)Child labour.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
SDG indicator 8.7.1 - Proportion of children engaged in economic activity (%)AnnualSDG Labour Market Indicators (ILOSDG)Child labour.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
SDG indicator 8.8.1 - Non-fatal occupational injuries per 100'000 workersAnnualSDG Labour Market Indicators (ILOSDG)Occupational injuries.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
SDG indicator 8.8.1 - Fatal occupational injuries per 100'000 workersAnnualSDG Labour Market Indicators (ILOSDG)Occupational injuries.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
SDG indicator 8.8.2 - Level of national compliance with labour rights (freedom of association and collective bargaining)AnnualSDG Labour Market Indicators (ILOSDG)Collective bargaining.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
SDG indicator 9.2.2 - Manufacturing employment as a proportion of total employment (%)AnnualSDG Labour Market Indicators (ILOSDG)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
SDG indicator 10.4.1 - Labour income share as a percent of GDP (%)AnnualSDG Labour Market Indicators (ILOSDG)Labour income.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex and age (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex and age (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex and age (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex, age and education (thousands)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Population.csv    .dta .csv.gz
Working-age population by sex, age and education (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Population.csv    .dta .csv.gz
Working-age population by sex, age and education (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex, age and rural / urban areas (thousands)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex, age and rural / urban areas (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex, age and rural / urban areas (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex, age and marital status (thousands)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex, age and marital status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Population.csv    .dta .csv.gz
Working-age population by sex, age and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex, age and place of birth (thousands)AnnualInternational Labour Migration Statistics (ILMS)International migrant stock.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex, age and citizenship (thousands)AnnualInternational Labour Migration Statistics (ILMS)International migrant stock.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex, age and labour market status (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex, age and labour market status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Population.csv    .dta .csv.gz
Working-age population by sex, age and labour market status (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex and education (thousands)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex and education (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex and education (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex, education and rural / urban areas (thousands)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex, education and rural / urban areas (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex, education and marital status (thousands)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex, education and marital status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex, education and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex, education and place of birth (thousands)AnnualInternational Labour Migration Statistics (ILMS)International migrant stock.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex, education and citizenship (thousands)AnnualInternational Labour Migration Statistics (ILMS)International migrant stock.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex, education and labour market status (thousands)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex, education and labour market status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex, education and labour market status (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex and rural / urban areas (thousands)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex and rural / urban areas (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex and rural / urban areas (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex, rural / urban area and marital status (thousands)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex, rural / urban area and marital status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex, rural / urban areas and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex, rural / urban areas and disability status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex, rural / urban areas and labour market status (thousands)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex, rural / urban areas and labour market status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex, rural / urban areas and labour market status (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex and marital status (thousands)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex and marital status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex and marital status (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex, marital status and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex, marital status and disability status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex, marital status and labour market status (thousands)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex, marital status and labour market status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex, marital status and labour market status (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex and disability status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex, disability status and labour market status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex, disability status and labour market status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex and labour market status (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex and labour market status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population by sex and labour market status (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Population.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Prime-age population by household type (thousands)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force by sex and age (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force by sex and age (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force by sex and age (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force by sex, age and education (thousands)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Labour force.csv    .dta .csv.gz
Labour force by sex, age and education (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Labour force.csv    .dta .csv.gz
Labour force by sex, age and education (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force by sex, age and rural / urban areas (thousands)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force by sex, age and rural / urban areas (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force by sex, age and rural / urban areas (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force by sex, age and marital status (thousands)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force by sex, age and marital status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force by sex, age and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force by sex, age and place of birth (thousands)AnnualInternational Labour Migration Statistics (ILMS)International migrant stock.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force by sex, age and citizenship (thousands)AnnualInternational Labour Migration Statistics (ILMS)International migrant stock.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force by sex and education (thousands)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force by sex and education (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force by sex and education (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force by sex, education and rural / urban areas (thousands)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force by sex, education and rural / urban areas (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force by sex, education and marital status (thousands)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force by sex, education and marital status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force by sex, education and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force by sex, education and place of birth (thousands)AnnualInternational Labour Migration Statistics (ILMS)International migrant stock.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force by sex, education and citizenship (thousands)AnnualInternational Labour Migration Statistics (ILMS)International migrant stock.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force by sex and rural / urban areas (thousands)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force by sex and rural / urban areas (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force by sex and rural / urban areas (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force by sex, rural / urban area and marital status (thousands)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force by sex, rural / urban area and marital status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force by sex, rural / urban areas and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force by sex, rural / urban areas and disability status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force by sex and marital status (thousands)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force by sex and marital status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force by sex and marital status (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force by sex, marital status and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force by sex, marital status and disability status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force by sex and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force by sex and disability status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force by sex and age, seasonally adjusted series (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force by sex and age, seasonally adjusted series (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force participation rate by sex and age (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force participation rate by sex and age (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force participation rate by sex and age (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force participation rate by sex, age and education (%)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Labour force.csv    .dta .csv.gz
Labour force participation rate by sex, age and education (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Labour force.csv    .dta .csv.gz
Labour force participation rate by sex, age and education (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force participation rate by sex, age and rural / urban areas (%)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force participation rate by sex, age and rural / urban areas (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force participation rate by sex, age and rural / urban areas (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force participation rate by sex, age and marital status (%)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force participation rate by sex, age and marital status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Labour force.csv    .dta .csv.gz
Labour force participation rate by sex, age and disability status (%)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force participation rate by sex, age and place of birth (%)AnnualInternational Labour Migration Statistics (ILMS)International migrant stock.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force participation rate by sex, age and citizenship (%)AnnualInternational Labour Migration Statistics (ILMS)International migrant stock.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force participation rate by sex and education (%)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force participation rate by sex and education (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force participation rate by sex and education (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force participation rate by sex, education and rural / urban areas (%)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force participation rate by sex, education and rural / urban areas (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force participation rate by sex, education and marital status (%)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force participation rate by sex, education and disability status (%)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force participation rate by sex, education and place of birth (%)AnnualInternational Labour Migration Statistics (ILMS)International migrant stock.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force participation rate by sex, education and citizenship (%)AnnualInternational Labour Migration Statistics (ILMS)International migrant stock.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force participation rate by sex and rural / urban areas (%)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force participation rate by sex and rural / urban areas (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force participation rate by sex and rural / urban areas (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force participation rate by sex, rural / urban area and marital status (%)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force participation rate by sex, rural / urban area and marital status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force participation rate by sex, rural / urban areas and disability status (%)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force participation rate by sex, rural / urban areas and disability status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force participation rate by sex and marital status (%)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force participation rate by sex and marital status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force participation rate by sex and marital status (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force participation rate by sex, marital status and disability status (%)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force participation rate by sex, marital status and disability status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force participation rate by sex and disability status (%)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force participation rate by sex and disability status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force participation rate by sex and age, seasonally adjusted series (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Labour force participation rate by sex and age, seasonally adjusted series (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Prime-age labour force participation rate by sex, household type and rural / urban areas (%)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Prime-age labour force participation rate by sex, household type and presence of children (%)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Labour force.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex and age (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex and age (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex and age (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, age and education (thousands)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Employment.csv    .dta .csv.gz
Employment by sex, age and education (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta .csv.gz
Employment by sex, age and education (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, age and rural / urban areas (thousands)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, age and rural / urban areas (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, age and rural / urban areas (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, age and marital status (thousands)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, age and marital status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, age and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, age and place of birth (thousands)AnnualInternational Labour Migration Statistics (ILMS)International migrant stock.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, age and citizenship (thousands)AnnualInternational Labour Migration Statistics (ILMS)International migrant stock.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, age and status in employment (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, age and status in employment (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta .csv.gz
Employment by sex, age and economic activity (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Employment.csv    .dta .csv.gz
Employment by sex, age and economic activity (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta .csv.gz
Employment by sex, age and occupation (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Employment.csv    .dta .csv.gz
Employment by sex, age and occupation (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta .csv.gz
Employment by sex, age and public/private sector (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, age and public/private sector (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, age and working time arrangement (thousands)AnnualWages and Working Time Statistics (COND)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, age and working time arrangement (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta .csv.gz
Employment by sex, age and working time arrangement (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex and education (thousands)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex and education (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex and education (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, education and rural / urban areas (thousands)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, education and rural / urban areas (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, education and marital status (thousands)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, education and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, education and place of birth (thousands)AnnualInternational Labour Migration Statistics (ILMS)International migrant stock.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, education and citizenship (thousands)AnnualInternational Labour Migration Statistics (ILMS)International migrant stock.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex and rural / urban areas (thousands)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex and rural / urban areas (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex and rural / urban areas (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, rural / urban area and marital status (thousands)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, rural / urban area and marital status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, rural / urban areas and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, rural / urban areas and disability status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex and marital status (thousands)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex and marital status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex and marital status (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, marital status and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, marital status and disability status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex and status in employment (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex and status in employment (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex and status in employment (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, status in employment and education (thousands)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, status in employment and rural / urban areas (thousands)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, status in employment and marital status (thousands)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, status in employment and marital status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, status in employment and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, status in employment and place of birth (thousands)AnnualInternational Labour Migration Statistics (ILMS)International migrant stock.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, status in employment and citizenship (thousands)AnnualInternational Labour Migration Statistics (ILMS)International migrant stock.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, status in employment and economic activity (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Employment.csv    .dta .csv.gz
Employment by sex, status in employment and economic activity (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta .csv.gz
Employment by sex, status in employment and occupation (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, status in employment and occupation (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta .csv.gz
Employment by sex, status in employment and public/private sector (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, status in employment and public/private sector (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, status in employment and establishment size (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, status in employment and establishment size (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, status in employment and multiple job holding (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex and economic activity (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex and economic activity (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex and economic activity (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, economic activity and education (thousands)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Employment.csv    .dta .csv.gz
Employment by sex, economic activity and education (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta .csv.gz
Employment by sex, economic activity and rural / urban areas (thousands)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, economic activity and marital status (thousands)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, economic activity and marital status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, economic activity and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, economic activity and place of birth (thousands)AnnualInternational Labour Migration Statistics (ILMS)International migrant stock.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, economic activity and citizenship (thousands)AnnualInternational Labour Migration Statistics (ILMS)International migrant stock.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by economic activity and occupation (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Employment.csv    .dta .csv.gz
Employment by economic activity and occupation (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta .csv.gz
Employment by sex, economic activity and public/private sector (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, economic activity and public/private sector (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, economic activity and public/private sector (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, economic activity and establishment size (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, economic activity and establishment size (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex and economic activity - ISIC level 2 (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, economic activity and multiple job holding (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, economic activity and multiple job holding (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by age and economic activity - ISIC level 2 (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, education and economic activity - ISIC level 2 (thousands)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Employment.csv    .dta .csv.gz
Employment by sex, status in employment and economic activity - ISIC level 2 (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Employment.csv    .dta .csv.gz
Employment by sex, occupation and economic activity - ISIC level 2 (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Employment.csv    .dta .csv.gz
Employment by sex, informal / formal economy and economic activity - ISIC level 2 (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, establishment size and economic activity - ISIC level 2 (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex and occupation (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex and occupation (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex and occupation (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, occupation and education (thousands)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Employment.csv    .dta .csv.gz
Employment by sex, occupation and education (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta .csv.gz
Employment by sex, occupation and rural / urban areas (thousands)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, occupation and marital status (thousands)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, occupation and marital status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, occupation and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, occupation and place of birth (thousands)AnnualInternational Labour Migration Statistics (ILMS)International migrant stock.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, occupation and citizenship (thousands)AnnualInternational Labour Migration Statistics (ILMS)International migrant stock.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, occupation and public/private sector (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, occupation and public/private sector (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, occupation and establishment size (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, occupation and establishment size (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, occupation and multiple job holding (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, occupation and multiple job holding (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex and occupation - ISCO level 2 (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by age and occupation - ISCO level 2 (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex and public/private sector (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex and public/private sector (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, public/private sector and rural/urban areas (thousands)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, public/private sector and rural/urban areas (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, public/private sector and marital status (thousands)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, public/private sector and marital status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, public/private sector and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, public/private sector and disability status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex and establishment size (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex and establishment size (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex and establishment size (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, establishment size and rural / urban areas (thousands)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, establishment size and rural / urban areas (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, establishment size and marital status (thousands)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, establishment size and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, establishment size and disability status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex and weekly hours actually worked (thousands)AnnualWages and Working Time Statistics (COND)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex and weekly hours actually worked (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, weekly hours actually worked and education (thousands)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, weekly hours actually worked and education (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, weekly hours actually worked and rural / urban areas (thousands)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, weekly hours actually worked and rural / urban areas (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, weekly hours actually worked and marital status (thousands)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, weekly hours actually worked and marital status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, weekly hours actually worked and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, weekly hours actually worked and disability status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex and multiple-job holding (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex and multiple-job holding (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, multiple job holding and rural / urban areas (thousands)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, multiple job holding and rural / urban areas (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, multiple job holding and education (thousands)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, multiple job holding and education (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, multiple job holding and marital status (thousands)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, multiple job holding and marital status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, multiple job holding and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, multiple job holding and disability status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, status in employment and 'educational mismatch', statistical approach (thousands)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex, status in employment and 'educational mismatch', normative approach (thousands)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population with vocational education or training by sex and education (thousands)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Work-based learning.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Working-age population with vocational education or training by sex and age (thousands)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Work-based learning.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Youth working-age population with vocational education or training by sex and age (thousands)AnnualYouth Labour Market Indicators (YouthSTATS)Work-based learning.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Youth work-based learners by sex and type (thousands)AnnualYouth Labour Market Indicators (YouthSTATS)Work-based learning.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Work-based learners by sex, age and type (thousands)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Work-based learning.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Work-based learners by sex, education and type (thousands)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Work-based learning.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Participation rate in work-based learning by sex, age and type (per 1000 persons)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Work-based learning.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex and age, seasonally adjusted series (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex and age, seasonally adjusted series (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex and economic activity, seasonally adjusted series (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment by sex and economic activity, seasonally adjusted series (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment-to-population ratio by sex and age (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment-to-population ratio by sex and age (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment-to-population ratio by sex and age (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, age and education (%)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Employment.csv    .dta .csv.gz
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, age and education (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta .csv.gz
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, age and education (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, age and rural / urban areas (%)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, age and rural / urban areas (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, age and rural / urban areas (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, age and marital status (%)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, age and marital status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, age and disability status (%)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, age and place of birth (%)AnnualInternational Labour Migration Statistics (ILMS)International migrant stock.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, age and citizenship (%)AnnualInternational Labour Migration Statistics (ILMS)International migrant stock.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment-to-population ratio by sex and education (%)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment-to-population ratio by sex and education (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment-to-population ratio by sex and education (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, education and rural / urban areas (%)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, education and rural / urban areas (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, education and marital status (%)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, education and disability status (%)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, education and place of birth (%)AnnualInternational Labour Migration Statistics (ILMS)International migrant stock.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, education and citizenship (%)AnnualInternational Labour Migration Statistics (ILMS)International migrant stock.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment-to-population ratio by sex and rural / urban areas (%)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment-to-population ratio by sex and rural / urban areas (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment-to-population ratio by sex and rural / urban areas (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, rural / urban area and marital status (%)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, rural / urban area and marital status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, rural / urban areas and disability status (%)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, rural / urban areas and disability status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment-to-population ratio by sex and marital status (%)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment-to-population ratio by sex and marital status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment-to-population ratio by sex and marital status (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, marital status and disability status (%)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, marital status and disability status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment-to-population ratio by sex and disability status (%)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment-to-population ratio by sex and disability status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Prime-age employment-to-population ratio by sex, household type and presence of children (%)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Prime-age employment-to-population ratio by sex, household type and rural / urban areas (%)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment-to-population ratio by sex and age, seasonally adjusted series (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment-to-population ratio by sex and age, seasonally adjusted series (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Incidence of part-time employment by sex -- Common definition (%)AnnualWages and Working Time Statistics (COND)Employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex and age (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex and age (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex and age (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, age and education (thousands)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, age and education (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, age and education (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, age and rural / urban areas (thousands)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, age and rural / urban areas (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, age and rural / urban areas (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, age and marital status (thousands)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, age and marital status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, age and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex and education (thousands)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex and education (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex and education (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, education and rural / urban areas (thousands)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, education and rural / urban areas (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, education and marital status (thousands)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, education and marital status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, education and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex and rural / urban areas (thousands)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex and rural / urban areas (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex and rural / urban areas (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, rural / urban areas and marital status (thousands)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, rural / urban areas and marital status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, rural / urban areas and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, rural / urban areas and disability status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex and marital status (thousands)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex and marital status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex and marital status (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, marital status and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, marital status and disability status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, age and economic activity (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta .csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, age and economic activity (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, age and occupation (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, age and occupation (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, age and public/private sector (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, age and public/private sector (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, age and working time arrangement (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, age and working time arrangement (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, age and working time arrangement (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex and economic activity (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex and economic activity (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex and economic activity (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, economic activity and education (thousands)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta .csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, economic activity and education (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta .csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, economic activity and rural / urban areas (thousands)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, economic activity and marital status (thousands)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, economic activity and marital status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, economic activity and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by economic activity and occupation (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by economic activity and occupation (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, economic activity and public/private sector (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, economic activity and public/private sector (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, economic activity and public/private sector (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, economic activity and establishment size (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, economic activity and establishment size (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex and economic activity - ISIC level 2 (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by age and economic activity - ISIC level 2 (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex and occupation (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex and occupation (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex and occupation (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, occupation and education (thousands)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, occupation and education (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, occupation and rural / urban areas (thousands)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, occupation and marital status (thousands)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, occupation and marital status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, occupation and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, occupation and public/private sector (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, occupation and public/private sector (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, occupation and establishment size (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, occupation and establishment size (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex and occupation - ISCO level 2 (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by age and occupation - ISCO level 2 (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex and public/private sector (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex and public/private sector (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, public/private sector and rural/urban areas (thousands)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, public/private sector and rural/urban areas (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, public/private sector and marital status (thousands)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, public/private sector and marital status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, public/private sector and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, public/private sector and disability status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex and establishment size (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex and establishment size (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex and establishment size (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, establishment size and rural / urban areas (thousands)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, establishment size and rural / urban areas (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, establishment size and marital status (thousands)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, establishment size and marital status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, establishment size and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex, establishment size and disability status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex and status in employment (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex and status in employment (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex and weekly hours actually worked (thousands)AnnualWages and Working Time Statistics (COND)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment by sex and weekly hours actually worked (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex and age (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex and age (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex and age (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, age and education (%)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, age and education (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, age and education (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, age and rural / urban areas (%)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, age and rural / urban areas (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, age and rural / urban areas (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, age and marital status (%)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, age and marital status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, age and disability status (%)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex and education (%)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex and education (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex and education (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, education and rural / urban areas (%)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, education and rural / urban areas (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, education and marital status (%)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, education and marital status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, education and disability status (%)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex and rural / urban areas (%)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex and rural / urban areas (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex and rural / urban areas (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, rural / urban areas and marital status (%)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, rural / urban areas and marital status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, rural / urban areas and disability status (%)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, rural / urban areas and disability status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex and marital status (%)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex and marital status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex and marital status (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, marital status and disability status (%)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, marital status and disability status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex and disability status (%)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, age and economic activity (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta .csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, age and economic activity (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, age and occupation (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, age and occupation (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, age and public/private sector (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, age and public/private sector (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, age and working time arrangement (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, age and working time arrangement (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, age and working time arrangement (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex and economic activity (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex and economic activity (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex and economic activity (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, economic activity and education (%)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta .csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, economic activity and education (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta .csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, economic activity and rural / urban areas (%)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, economic activity and marital status (%)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, economic activity and marital status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, economic activity and disability status (%)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by economic activity and occupation (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by economic activity and occupation (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, economic activity and public/private sector (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, economic activity and public/private sector (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, economic activity and public/private sector (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, economic activity and establishment size (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, economic activity and establishment size (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex and economic activity - ISIC level 2 (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by age and economic activity - ISIC level 2 (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex and occupation (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex and occupation (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex and occupation (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, occupation and education (%)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, occupation and education (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, occupation and rural / urban areas (%)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, occupation and marital status (%)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, occupation and marital status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, occupation and disability status (%)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, occupation and public/private sector (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, occupation and public/private sector (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, occupation and establishment size (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, occupation and establishment size (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex and occupation - ISCO level 2 (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by age and occupation - ISCO level 2 (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex and public/private sector (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex and public/private sector (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, public/private sector and rural/urban areas (%)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, public/private sector and rural/urban areas (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, public/private sector and marital status (%)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, public/private sector and marital status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, public/private sector and disability status (%)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, public/private sector and disability status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex and establishment size (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex and establishment size (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex and establishment size (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, establishment size and rural / urban areas (%)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, establishment size and rural / urban areas (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, establishment size and marital status (%)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, establishment size and marital status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, establishment size and disability status (%)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex, establishment size and disability status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by status in employment (by sex) (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by status in employment (by sex) (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex and weekly hours actually worked (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Informal employment rate by sex and weekly hours actually worked (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment outside the formal sector by sex (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment outside the formal sector by sex (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment outside the formal sector by sex (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment outside the formal sector by sex and age (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment.csv    .dta    .xlsx.csv.gz
Employment outside