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How the latest statistical standards improve knowledge about rural women’s work

Latest statistical standards improve our knowledge of the challenges and decent work deficits that women in rural areas face. Such knowledge is key to formulating effective policies that foster the women’s potential for growth and development.

How the latest statistical standards improve knowledge about rural women’s work Read More »

ILOSTAT Microdata Processing Quick Guide: Principles and methods underlying the ILO’s processing of anonymized household survey microdata

This Quick Guide (last updated in September 2024) presents the anonymized microdata processing undertaken by the Data Production and Analysis Unit in the ILO Department of Statistics. It describes why and how the unit carries out this activity, as well as the potential expansion of this work. It also mentions considerations and limitations to take into account by data users.

ILOSTAT Microdata Processing Quick Guide: Principles and methods underlying the ILO’s processing of anonymized household survey microdata Read More »

Promoting the use of administrative data sources for international labour migration statistics in Korea

This case study highlights how national frameworks in the Republic of Korea, including legislation, interagency coordination, and IT systems for secure data sharing, have increased the use of administrative data for international labor migration statistics. By documenting good national practices, it contributes to the revision of the ICLS Guidelines (2018) on statistics of international labour

Promoting the use of administrative data sources for international labour migration statistics in Korea Read More »

Measuring international labour migration in the Republic of Korea

This case study contributes to the ongoing revision of the ICLS Guidelines on statistics of international labour migration (2018) by demonstrating the value of different data sources in the Republic of Korea, including the population census, administrative records, and specialized migration surveys, to generate statistics on the topic.

Measuring international labour migration in the Republic of Korea Read More »

Advancing the measurement of care work and the care economy: a global consultation for new statistical standards

The ILO is launching a new work programme, at the request of its constituents, aimed at developing international statistical standards, definitions, and measurement frameworks for care work. This comes at a pivotal moment, at a time when there is unprecedented global, regional and national interest in care work and care economy.

Advancing the measurement of care work and the care economy: a global consultation for new statistical standards Read More »

Current practices in measuring sexual orientation and gender identity in population censuses

Measuring sexual orientation and gender identity with official statistics is still a very new endeavour faced with many challenges, but legal and social advances are leading to the identification of these minorities in population censuses in more countries.

Current practices in measuring sexual orientation and gender identity in population censuses Read More »

The jobs gap: Measuring labour underutilisation beyond unemployment

This issue of Spolight on Work Statistics discusses an indicator recently developed by the ILO – the jobs gap – which is shown to be an important complement to the unemployment rate. The indicator is particularly relevant to assess the difficulties that women face in finding a job and highlights job creation challenges in the developing world.

The jobs gap: Measuring labour underutilisation beyond unemployment Read More »

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